Friday, November 09, 2012

Pentoo Beta3 Release...mostly

Today during my presentation at BesidesDE we are releasing the 64 bit version of Beta3.  I couldn't be happier with this release, but today is a little bittersweet for me. As one giant ball of awesome, the Pentoo Linux team really isn't accustomed to failure, but every single 32 bit build I've done has resulted in complete failure.

Issues have ranged from horrifying and unexplained build failures, to building perfectly but being completely unbootable, through booting at 1983 speeds and every command simply returning "segfault".

That said, for those of you that don't have computers from 2003 will LOVE the updates in beta3.  The installer has been reworked so that it, ahem, works.  Additionally a number of tweaks to improve updating and system customization have been made. We have shiny new wifi drivers, shiny new video card drivers, and all your favorite password crackers updated and ready to rock out.

I've already begun picking up the pieces of my shattered 32 bit build and I promise all you people who got suckered into buying eeepcs that I have not given up.  Pentoo Linux does work fine on 32 bit (we have a number of users doing it now) but there is something wrong with the building of the iso that I will have to work out.

We at Pentoo Linux are very proud of this work, we hope that you enjoy using it as much as we did making it.

"The world belongs to those
who stand out from the rows
of wayward and misguided silent souls
History is shamed
By people laying blame
To everyone who doesn't feel the same"

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Zero_Chaos and the Pentoo Linux Team